Source code for authors.lib

This module contains functions used by authors.

import pathlib
import sys
import jinja2
import yaml

CONFIGURATION_FILE = ".authors.yml"

    "name": "AUTHORS",
    "kind": "md",
    "heading": "Authors",
    "opening": "Thank you to all of our contributors.",
    "closing": "This project would not be possible without you."


[docs]def read_configuration_file(file=CONFIGURATION_FILE): """ Reads a configuration file, usually `.authors.yml`. Parameters ---------- file : str The name of a file with user-defined configuration settings. The default value is `.authors.yml`. Returns ------- str The contents of a configuration file or an empty str. """ path = pathlib.Path(file) if path.exists(): return path.read_text() else: return str()
[docs]def parse_yaml_to_dict(contents): """ Parses YAML to a dict. Parameters ---------- contents : str The contents of a file with user-defined configuration settings. Returns ------- dict Configuration settings (one key-value pair per setting) or an empty dict. """ if contents: return yaml.safe_load(contents) else: return dict()
[docs]def validate_configuration(configuration): """ Validates configuration settings. Parameters ---------- configuration : dict The unvalidated configuration settings. Returns ------- configuration : dict The validated configuration settings, using default values in the case of missing or invalid values. """ # Iterate over each key in DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION. # # If the user-defined configuration settings do not # contain this key, then add it and set its value # to that found in DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION. for key in DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION: if key not in configuration: configuration[key] = DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION[key] # Make sure that the value of the `kind` key # is `adoc`, `html`, `md`, `rst`, or `txt`. if configuration["kind"] not in VALID_KINDS: configuration["kind"] = DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION["kind"] return configuration
[docs]def read_standard_input(): """ Reads from standard input. Returns ------- authors : list A unique, sorted list of authors. """ authors = return sorted(set(authors), key=str.lower)
[docs]def render_template(authors, configuration): """ Renders a template in `adoc`, `html`, `md`, `rst`, or `txt` format. Parameters ---------- authors : list The authors to include in the rendered template. configuration : dict Configuration settings relevant to the rendered template (`heading`, `opening`, and `closing`). Returns ------- str The rendered template. """ loader = jinja2.PackageLoader("authors", "templates") environment = jinja2.Environment( loader=loader, lstrip_blocks=True, trim_blocks=True ) source_file = "template.{}".format(configuration["kind"]) template = environment.get_template(source_file) return template.render(authors=authors, **configuration)
[docs]def write_authors_file(contents, configuration): """ Writes the rendered template to a file, usually `AUTHORS`. Parameters ---------- contents : str The rendered template. configuration : dict Configuration settings relevant to the AUTHORS file (`name`). """ destination_file = pathlib.Path(configuration["name"]) with"w") as writer: writer.write(contents)
[docs]def main(file=CONFIGURATION_FILE): """ Generates an AUTHORS file. Parameters ---------- file : str The name of a file with user-defined configuration settings. The default value is `.authors.yml`. """ configuration = read_configuration_file(file=file) parsed = parse_yaml_to_dict(configuration) validated = validate_configuration(parsed) authors = read_standard_input() rendered = render_template(authors, validated) write_authors_file(rendered, validated)